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May 12-13 Graffiti Removal Summary

8 individuals participated in the effort on Saturday, May 12, with 2 of them returning on Sunday the 13th.

Thanks to ladder loans from Keith Dunlap, Jay Kress, and Tom Rea, which met very stringent requirements due to restrictions getting them through the crawlway, two teams were able to work on high spots in the LV Cushing (formerly called Signature) Room. The third crew was able to work in high spots in the upper areas adjacent to the room. As a result, the remainder of the vertical surfaces of the walls of the Cushing Room have been cleaned of graffiti! It isn't perfect, but is certainly a whole lot better.


It was decided to discontinue the sand blasting process in the Cushing Room from here on out. There is a lot of graffiti on the ceiling of the room, but we won't be blasting it. After removal and relocation of much blast material in the area, we may attempt an experiment with the sprayer to apply a mud and water solution to certain parts of the ceiling and breakdown blocks still containing graffiti. Blasting will likely begin left of the T in the main passage.

Thanks to each and every volunteer for their time and effort! Each person's hours are being tracked, and will count toward fulfilling the requirements for the various membership levels within the Friends of the RBNP.

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Interested in helping? Please contact the project coordinator for more information.
Dave Everton
(812) 824-4380 - evenings