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June 17-18 Graffiti Removal Summary

Approximately 25 individuals participated in the effort, which was the first to venture past the entrance room, into the crawlway and further inside the cave. Air, power, and phone lines were hauled into and strung through the entire crawlway to the T Room. Considerable effort was spent removing graffiti in a sit-up room a few hundred feet into the crawl. Additionally, graffiti was removed in an area right past the T Room, adjacent to the Signature Room. 22 persons participated on Saturday, with 4 doing so on Sunday, including 1 person who'd been unable to help the first day. On Friday afternoon, Kyle, Christina, and Alex Dayton, Ty Spatta, and Mike Drake started helping with the set up. On Saturday morning, set up continued, and sandblasting commenced around mid-morning. Special low-clearance plastic tubs were used to haul gear through the crawl, and proved to be fairly effective. Graffiti removal continued throughout the day, with Patti Cummings providing breakfast, lunch, and supper, as well as drinks and snacks throughout the day. Cavers present on Saturday evening helped Sam Frushour celebrate his 63rd birthday, although the party was dispersed perhaps a little bit prematurely when some rainstorms came into the region.

Although the air compressor was not fired up on Sunday, several tasks were accomplished, including hauling more large-diameter air line further into the cave; the regulator was relocated, some smaller air lines were reconfigured and relocated; some blast material was picked up, and all loose gear was stashed and stowed for the next cleanup. A decision by the RBNC e-board to allow all the air, power, and phone lines to stay in place was greatly appreciated, because it will exponentially make the next cleanup weekends so much more efficient.


A little bit more time will be spent on graffiti removal in the sit up room in the crawl by one blasting team, which will then proceed to the T and Signature Rooms areas to join the other two teams. All three teams will be working in those areas for a while, since they are major target areas for the project. Discussion has begun and plans are being considered for ways to reach the Volcano Passage, which is another very heavily-damaged area of the cave.

Thanks to each and every volunteer for their time and effort! Each person's hours are being tracked, and will count toward fulfilling the requirements for the various membership levels within the Friends of the RBNP.

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Interested in helping? Please contact the project coordinator for more information.
Dave Everton
(812) 824-4380 - evenings